A Remote Fishing Experience
Swain Post Camp
Ontario Canada

www.facebook.com/swainpostcamp and don't forget to like us!
Peace and quiet, good fishing, beautiful country, remote, secluded location. Swain Post is a remote boat-in fishing Camp which sits on Swain Lake in North West Ontario Canada, both being named after an early fur trader who operated from what is now our camp. We are centrally located between the Woman Lake, Washagomis and Shabumeni lake systems in the

Red Lake, Ear Falls area. We pick you up at our landing and boat you 35 miles up the Woman Lake System to Swain Lake. Once there you have no choice but to relax, unwind and enjoy seven days of fishing for walleye, northern or lake trout or just exploring the remote lakes and streams in our wilderness area. We have boats on 11 different portages. Lodgings at Swain Post are native built log cabins, completely furnished for housekeeping with gas stove, refrigerator, bed linen and blankets, all eating and cooking utensils, solar lights and wood burning stove. The camp also has
a central hot water shower and out houses behind each cabin. You furnish your own groceries and fishing equipment, we provide boats, motors and gas, (5 US gallons per 2 people per day). Please have your fishing license and bait before arriving at the landing as we do not sell either.
There is no cell phone service or Internet where we are located making your trip truly stress free. However our cabin is equipped for internet access, we use the internet between 7 pm and 8 pm each evening, please feel free to give your family members our email address in case of an emergency. We can accommodate your C-PAP machine!
Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. Please email us pictures from your fishing trip so we may post them on our website. Thank you to everyone who has allowed us to share their memories on our website.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!
Kip Roelfsema said on Jun 23, 2014 2:36 AM
I've been coming to Swain Post since 1991 & STILL haven't seen it all! Even though the main lakes have great fishing, we like to go to the portage lakes that seldom ever get fished. We've even caught walleye on top water lures! At night you can look up @ the sky & see the northern lights, & it's so quite that you can hear the ringing in your ears! Sean & Jess are a first-class act, probably because they're good old Iowans!
Steve Mohlis said on Aug 1, 2013 7:04 PM
June and July marked my 29th and 30th trips to Swain Post. I've been to 6 other camps in NW Ontario over the years, but there's nothing like Swain Post. You can have a new adventure every day on a different lake, or take it easy and relax on the main lakes and still catch plenty of great fish. And that's probably the hardest decision you'll make every day.
Roger Bernard said on Jul 31, 2013 4:44 AM
Just finished my second trip of the year and have been going to Swain Post for 24 years. If you are adventurous, love to catch fish, and enjoy beautiful scenery - this is the place for you.
Steve Ireland said on Jul 26, 2013 6:32 PM
Thanks a bunch Sean and Jess! The hospitality you show is second to none. The FISH! We had days of just casting off the dock and pulling in northern pike all day long, 26 inches pluss too! Also the portage to shab is really cool not to mention the fishing. The spot we found my brother and I could have filled the boat with walleye. This was my first trip to swain post (july-13) and I intend on making the trip again every summer until i cant walk, and then ill fly in i suppose haha. Just like Sean and Jessica say on the home page you are forced to forget about everything but relax and fish. If your looking for a change from your usual fishing camp please give Swain Post a try, you will not regret it. If your a first timer looking for a place to visit in canada then this is the place, Awesome fishing and awesome atmosphere.
Jeremy DeBoef said on Apr 3, 2013 7:55 AM
I've Ben to Swain 5 years in a row prior to a layoff last year. Headed back in June 2013. Great fishing every year. I can't wait to lay into the hardest fighting walleye you will ever catch for a 6th year. Highly recommend this camp and fly in type atmosphere. Bringing the next generation this round to make even more great memories. My son can't wait to catch the fish he's seen in pictures year after year. I can't wait either.
rick morkel said on Nov 12, 2012 7:25 AM
Have been to swain post many times, after a 7 year break we are returning this June. Looking forward to the great scenery, adventurous portages and fresh Walleyes with some Swain Post "Rookies".If you like to get off the beaten trail, enjoy having an entire lake to yourself, and love fresh fried walleyes, Swain Post is great.
Kirby Schaefer said on Sep 27, 2012 3:20 AM
Nice to see your new website. We sure enjoyed our time at Swain this year and look forward to coming back next year. Hope you had a good first year. Let me know when you get back to Iowa so we can maybe come up to Dunkerton to see you over the Winter. Kirby and the rest of the Amana Gang.